The Handmade Tales - The story

Saranya Padmanabhan .
An innocent dinner table conversation with my husband planted an idea. But unlike most ideas that effervesce brightly and fade quickly, grand in their ambition but fickle in their fortitude, this one was unrelenting and stuck around.
What if we could create a space for global art to thrive while catering to the needs of the modern conscientious consumer?
Thus was born Terracotta Tales - a small Etsy store. An answer to satisfy this rather obstinate idea that would not go away.
Starting with a carefully curated collection of handmade wheel thrown earthen cookware and functional home decor, marrying the needs of a modern kitchen while keeping the tradition of cooking in clay cookware alive… we set off on this journey in 2016.
With increasing support from the community and reception we received from our patrons we are now The Handmade Tales. Focussing on our network of artisans and pouring our creative energy into building functional art that caters to your home-good needs.
We aspire to grow into a brand that brings handmade items to the forefront, a place to honor local artisans and bring local art from every corner of the world into conscientious homes.
Through this journey we hope to share a small space in your life to tell of the people who create and the tales of the crafts they have mastered.
Thank you for stopping by!
- Saranya Padmanabhan, Designer & Founder